Chapter 163
Chapter 163
Greyson’s POV:
| flew out of the bed and dashed in the direction of Jessy’s room where | found my daughter sitting on the floor at
the end of the bed with her blanket clutched in her hands and her green bunny in a death grip on her other hand
and tears streaming down her face.
The moment she noticed my presence in the room, she immediately stood from her position, dropping
everything that she had been holding on to and running into my arms.
I had never seen Jessy so upset, she was literally bawling out her eyes and she looked inconsolable. She was in
no headspace
go without to tellwhat was wrong so | didn’t push her, instead | kept my arms around her in a hug as tight as
| could hurting her.
“It’s okay baby. You're fine. I'm here now.” | whispered comfortingly to her and while | was still talking Emilia
burst into the
The former maid looked like she had also been having a terrifying dream or maybe she had just woken up in
shock from Jessy’s scream but her eyes were blown wide with fear and she had beads of sweat covering her
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt“Mommy's in big trouble.” Jessy finally said but before | could ask her for more details she began bawling her
eyes out again. “What do you mean baby? Can you tellwhat happened? Did you have a bad dream?” | asked
but Jessy only continued to
“I-1 think you have to listen to her Master. | think something really wrong is happening.” Emilia chirped in. Before
| could respond at all, the door to the room was being pushed open and Smith was bursting in with the slook
that had been on Emilia’s face when she had first cinto the room.
“We have to move Greyson, something fucked up is happening with Freya. | already gathered the men we need,
we'll have to take a shortcut and hope for the best.” Smith said in one breath that if it were not for the fact that
he was the only one talking and the room was really quiet, | might not have captured all that he had said.
| stood from my position immediately but Jessy held on to me.
“Jess, | need to go now. You stay here with Emilia and Simon and I'll be back okay?” | tried my best to sound
comforting but | don’t think the upset four years old was having it.
Thankfully all the ruckus had woken Simon and the boy had slipped into the room at spoint. He cup to
us and took Jessy’s little hands in his, without a word he gently pulled his friend and she went with him, letting
go of my pajamas bottom that she had formerly held on to.
| rushed out of her room and into mine and began shuffling through a change of clothes. Different questions ran
through my head.
I had seen Estel in my dreams. After her death, not once had | ever had a dream of her not even in the days
following her death. | had even prayed the the Goddess at a point to letmeet her in my dreams again just so
| could be with her in that way again but that request had never been met.
So it felt rather strange that | was having this dream about her coming into my room and even speaking to me.
The what felt weirder was that Jessy had obviously had a nightmare that involved Freya, | couldn't be sure of the
details but |
Chapter 163
just knew she had, maybe that wasn’t weird because Jessy was he child and they shared that connection.
But Smith and Emilia? Now those two were very different stories But | didn’t have the tto ponder on it.
“Let's move.” | said to Smith the moment | stepped out of the room.
“Take care of them, we'll be hsoon.” | said to Emilia and the girl nodded her head in understanding bringing
the two children who were now clutched at her side even closer.
True to his words, Smith had gathered a couple of men and they were standing in front of the house waiting for
“Something is going terribly wrong at the moment and we don’t have much time, the initial plan was to travel to
Red point. by car but that’s not going to work anymore. We'll take the woods and go in our wolf forms so we get
there quicker and when we do, we spread out and start searching the town.”
The men
confirmed my words and then transforming into our liage wolves form we made a mad dash for the woods.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmThe moonlight was shining brightly above us and it helped to light up that way as we move. Adrenaline pumped
through vein the closer we got to the destination and | could only pray that Freya was alright, | could only hope
that whatever
there. was happening wasn’t completed before we got
We were almost nearing the borders that crossed into Red point when my ears prickled and I heard it. Sounds of
footsteps but they didn’t belong to the men running behind me, this one sounded like they were approaching us.
This part of the woods were very dangerous and no one in their right senses wanted to travel through them
alone. | halted
my spot and the men traveling withalso did the same.
Soon a figure appeared and | immediately caught their face.