Chapter 10
10 Wounds of the past Alessandro felt bad seeing Abril cry so inconsolably, he didn't know what to say to make
her calm down, he sighed heavily and said to her.
_Stop crying, if what you want is to stay in this place you can do it.
April's tears stopped and she asked.
_ Can | really stay here? _Yeah.
_ Nobody will botheranymore? _I'll send the butler from tto tto make sure you don't lack anything, if
you don't want the maids to cthey won't.
April lowered her head and said to him.
_Thank you so much.
Alessandro turned around, headed for the door and before leaving he looked at the princess for the last tand
said to her.
_Thanks for savingin the forest a few days ago.
_You are welcome.
Alessandro left and gave his new orders to the butler, after that visit the maids stopped bothering Abril, giving
her back her peaceful days.
The butler was the only one who cfrom tto time, he had brought him comfortable clothes and shoes, he
also brought him food and sspices for cooking.
That winter April had a great time, as she had warm clothes and shoes she was able to leave her house and play
in the snow, when she did she felt as happy as a little girl, she no longer | remembered when was the last t|
had enjoyed winter like that, if ever.
April was making a snowman when a man approached her and asked.
_ Who are you? April stared at the man, he had a certain resemblance to her husband, although he looked
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtyounger, she continued making her doll and returned the question.
_ Shouldn't | be the one asking who you are? _ I'm Cassian, and who are you? _My nis April.
Cassian had gone out for a walk, lost in his thoughts, he had not paid much attention to where he was going and
in the end he had arrived at that part so far from the palace, when he had seen that red hair that stood out even
more in that gray landscape, he approached with curiosity wondering who that person was, when he saw the
face of that woman he was left ecstatic, she was a very beautiful young woman.
_ And what are you doing here? April pointed to the small house she lived in and answered.
_l live here.
_ You alone? _Yeah.
Cassian moved a little closer to see April up close, he touched and stretched her hair to see if she was real.
_ What are you doing? _Your hair, it's real.
_Of course it is.
_Then you must be the daughter of King Venobich.
Cassian pulled April's hair as he remembered that because of that man he had almost died.
_ Ouch!, that hurts.
April complained as she felt her hair being pulled.
_You know all the harm and pain your father has caused to this kingdom, perhaps you should pay for his sins.
Cassian said as he pulled April's hair tighter.
_ And why do | have to pay for something | haven't done? People who behave badly are supposed to receive
punishment, why give the punishment of a bad person to a good person, | am a daughter from my father,
however that does not mean that | am the one who did all those things.
Cassian let go of April's hair, several strands of red hair were left in his hand, April stroked his aching head and
_ Why do you want to blme for what | haven't done? | don't understand, would you like to receive someone
else's punishment just because they are family? April stood up from where she was crouching, leaving her
snowman half-finished, and said to him.
_Don't try to blme for my father's sins.
April walked towards the small house leaving Cassian behind, he shouted at her.
_Don't turn your back on me, cback here immediately.
April didn't want that man to pull her hair again or even worse, hit her, so she ran inside the house, closed the
door and blocked it with a thick piece of wood, she wanted to stay away from that bad man.
He banged on the door angrily and shouted angrily.
_Open the door for me, you fucking bitch.
April was afraid of what that man would do, she curled up in a corner of the house covering her ears with her
hands wishing he would go away and leave her alone.
Eventually Cassian got tired of knocking on the door, he went back to the palace and looked for his brother, he
was in his office working when Cassian suddenly burst in and said to him.
_Alessandro, why is that bitch still alive? _| don't know who you're talking about Cassian, and that's no way to
cinto my office.
_ I'm talking about Venobich's daughter, why haven't you killed her yet? | remind you that we signed a peace
treaty for a marriage, killing her would mean starting the war again, our kingdom has suffered many damages
and human losses, we could not win the war.
EB nH.
_l understand how you feel, but there's nothing | can do, even though I want to kill her too, I'm not willing to pay
the price that comes with it.
_Don't go near that girl Cassian, don't even think about hurting her and this is not a request, it's an order.
Cassian squeezed his leg, it hurt like hell from running all the way there, his leg couldn't hold him up any longer
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmand he fell to the ground on his knees.
Alessandro stopped what he was doing and helped his brother to his feet.
_Cassian, you crunning here, you know you shouldn't do it.
_ I know, I'm a wreck that can barely walk.
_Don't say that, brother.
Alessandro helped him to the sofa and said.
_Someday | will find a way to cure your injury and you will be able to walk without any problem.
_You know that's impossible, Lessan.
_l will make it possible, just givea little more time, trust me.
During the war Cassian had encountered King Venobich on the battlefield.
He nearly tore Cassian's leg off, if it hadn't been for Alessandro who had stood up to King Venobich he would
have died at the hands of that demon.
The severity of his injury had been such that even though he had used healing magic the damage remained, and
from that day on the pain accompanied him day and night, and he also had great difficulty walking.
Cassian, seeing his brother so dejected, said to him.
_It's okay Lessan, | trust you.