Chapter 11
11 did he have? Although Alessandro had forbidden him to go see April, Cassian disobeyed him.
When he arrived at the small house he knocked on the door, but no one opened it.
He looked out the window trying to see if she was inside, but it seemed to be empty.
Cassian wondered where she had gone and if she was plotting splan against the royal family.
Cassian's leg was in a lot of pain, he leaned on the door of the house as his leg began to fail him again.
_lt wasn't a good idea to chere, but | can't leave that woman unguarded, I'm worried she's planning
April arrived shortly after, she was carrying a reddish ball of fur in her arms, when she saw Cassian she backed
away, he tried to reach her, but his leg failed him and he ended up falling to the ground and hitting his forehead
against a stone.
April stood still wondering why he didn't get up from the ground, she approached carefully, keeping her distance
and asked him.
_Are you okay? Seeing that April didn't answer, she pricked him with her finger but he didn't flinch.
She turned him around and saw an ugly bump on his forehead.
Although Cassian had tried to hurt her, April couldn't pay him back in the scoin.
She took him inside the house, healed the wound on his forehead and stayed by his side.
When Cassian opened his eyes he found himself in a strange place, he wondered where he was, when he sat up
he saw the princess standing next to the fireplace stoking the fire, when she saw him she asked him.
_ Are you okay? _ Where am 1? _This is my house, you fell while chasingand hit your head.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtCassian remembered what had happened, his leg had been hurting a lot, when he had tried to catch April his leg
had failed him and he had fallen.
Cassian always felt pain in his leg, however, at that moment it was not like that, the pain seemed to have
completely disappeared, he asked her.
_ What have you done to me? _Just heal the wound on your forehead.
Cassian grabbed April by the shoulders and asked her.
_ My leg doesn't hurt anymore, tellwhat did you do to me? _ Did your leg hurt? | didn't do anything to you,
like | said before | only healed the wound on your forehead, | haven't done anything to your leg, you're hurting
me, please letgo.
Cassian released her and asked.
_ Why did you help me? | behaved very badly towards you yesterday.
_l couldn't leave you injured in front of my house.
_When | arrived you weren't there, where did you go? _| went for a walk in the forest.
April stepped back, picked up a small basket next to the fireplace and showed Cassian what was inside, it was a
small fox with reddish fur.
_I found this little guy while | was walking, he was injured.
_That's a fox.
_I know, he's so cute, | think he looks like me, I think I'll keep him, he was alone so | don't think he has a family.
Even though Cassian hated her, he wasn't ungrateful, so he didn't do anything to her.
Besides, Alessandro had forbidden him to do it, but since he didn't trust her, he told her.
_I will cevery day to make sure you are not plotting anything against my family.
April wondered if the blow to the head had made him stupid, what could she be up to in that remote place where
she lived alone.
Cassian walked to the door and said.
_I'll be watching you.
After saying what he wanted, he left.
April sighed heavily, she had just gotten rid of the maids and another nuisance had arrived in her life.
That day Cassian's leg didn't hurt, for the first tin a long the had a good night.
But the next day when he woke up the pain was present again, Cassian wondered what April had given him to
calm his pain, although she had said that she had not given him anything, he did not believe her, after breakfast
he cback, knocked on the door several times until April opened the door, she was only wearing a short
nightgown with a plunging neckline, she was wrapped in a blanket, Cassian blushed when he saw her and said to
"You're a shameless girl, why are you dressed like that?" April rubbed her eyes and said.
_l was sleeping.
_The sun rose a while ago, how can you still be in bed at this hour? April wrapped herself well in the blanket and
said to him.
_It's winter, | have nothing better to do, it's cold, What have you cfor? Get dressed first.
April closed the door and thought.
It seems my peaceful days are in danger again.
After she finished changing she hesitated for a moment whether to open the door or ignore him, but she thought
it would be even worse if she did that so she opened the door and asked.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm_ What have you cfor? _| told you I'd be watching you, | can't watch you if | don't see you.
How annoying.
April thought as she gave a big yawn.
A cold air shivered through her and said.
_It's too cold to stay outside, why don't you cin? _How can you ask a prince to enter a place like this.
April closed the door and said to him.
_Then stay outside.
Cassian opened the door and said to him.
_You're rude, don't close the door in my face.
April ignored Cassian's complaints and walked to the fireplace, arranged the firewood and said to him.
_If you're going to stay, close the door, otherwise | won't be able to light the fireplace.
Although Cassian didn't like April's attitude, the cold made his leg hurt more so he closed the door and told her _|
closed it because | wanted to, not because you askedto.
April couldn't believe how arrogant Cassian was, but since he had closed the door she didn't say anything and
focused on lighting the fireplace.