Chapter 19
19 Kisses are terrifying That night Alessandro returned early to his chambers, when he arrived he caught Abril
eating the fruit that was in her room, she choked when she saw the king, she was tapping her chest, Alessandro
approached, took her hands and made her raise them high, after a few minutes she felt better and said to him.
_Thank you so much.
Alessandro still had her arms holding her, Abril was on her tiptoes since he was too tall.
_ Are you okay? _Yeah.
Alessandro stared at her, Abril wondered when he would let go, her hands were starting to cramp and her back
was starting to ache.
After making sure she was okay, Alessandro let go of her and said.
_If I hadn't arrived just in tyou would be dead right now.
If you hadn't come, | wouldn't have drowned, April thought.
_l appreciate it very much, your majesty.
Alessandro sat on the couch and said to him.
_Sit down.
April sat in the far corner of the couch, Alessandro told her.
_Have you ever taken magic classes? _| do not possess magic, your majesty.
_l already know that, but answer what I asked you.
April shook her head.
_Not your majesty.
_I'll find a teacher for you.
_But I don't...
_You must learn the principles of magic even if you do not possess magic.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt_ And | think you should go back to living in the palace? _ What? Your Majesty promised that | could stay where |
am living until | am pregnant? Wait, am | already pregnant? Alessandro had not yet touched the princess, he
wondered how the princess had cto that conclusion.
_What are you talking about? How can you be pregnant if | haven't touched you yet.
_But we have slept together twice.
Alessandro felt that the princess was more naive than he had imagined and asked her.
_ Princess, do you know how babies are made? _ Of course, | read it in a book, it said that if a couple kisses and
sleeps hugging in the sbed they will have a child.
Alessandro was shocked, the princess didn't really know anything about a relationship.
_Princess, did you ever receive a wife's education? _No, I've learned everything from books.
April said, proud of how she had learned everything she knew.
_ Don't tellyou thought you were going to get pregnant just by sleeping in the sbed? April nodded and
_That's what the books I've read said.
Alessandro was amazed, at spoint he had even doubted her purity, but it was quite the opposite, she was
someone too pure.
_Princess, have you ever kissed a man? _No, his majesty omitted the kiss during the wedding, although | have
read about kisses in books, you just have to close your eyes and press your lips like this.
He showed April to the king.
_ Isn't that so? _Yes and no.
Alessandro brought his face closer to the princess's, pressed his lips against hers and gave her a soft kiss, which
Abril felt like she couldn't breathe, she pushed the king away, she was gasping for air trying to breathe.
_Kisses are terrifying, | feel like | almost died.
Alessandro couldn't help but laugh, that was the first tAbril had seen him with a smile on his lips, without a
doubt he looked much better like that.
_I think we'd better leave this for another day, | think the princess needs to receive a wife's education, otherwise
this will be very annoying.
April wondered what the king meant, he got up from the sofa and went to the bed, seeing that the princess was
still on the sofa he said to her.
_ Are you planning to sleep on the couch? No, we must sleep in the sbed to have a baby.
April said with a serious face.
Alessandro laughed out loud and said to her.
_Of course.
Alessandro got into bed, Abril did the same, she hugged the king, he asked her.
_ What are you doing? _We've already kissed today, if we sleep hugging each other I'm sure I'll get pregnant.
Alessandro laughed again and said to him.
_I doubt that's the case.
Even though Alessandro said that, he didn't push her away, the two of them slept hugging each other for the rest
of the night.
The next day when Alessandro woke up he told the butler to find someone to teach the princess about wife
education, that seemed a little strange to the butler since the family members used to receive a wife's education
at the age of 14, however, she did as the king ordered her.
Alessandro went to his office, he called Sirius Narrow, a great wizard and his friend, when Sirius entered the
office he greeted him politely and asked.
_Why has your majesty called me? _| want you to teach my wife the principles of magic.
- To the enemy princess? _| only have one wife.
_ Why do you wantto teach him the principles of magic? Alessandro knew he had to tell his friend what was
happening so that his help would be more effective.
_The princess never received any education about magic, she doesn't know that she possesses magic.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm_ But what are you saying? How can there be someone who doesn't know they have magic.
_Although it may seem strange, it is so, since his magic has not yet awakened.
_It's the first tI've heard something like that.
_ You will be more surprised to know the kind of magic it possesses.
_Leave the mystery alone and tellwhat kind of magic it possesses.
_The princess possesses light magic.
Sirius had never heard of such magic and told him.
_That kind of magic doesn't exist.
_Yes, it exists, but it is very old, it is part of forgotten magic, that is why very few know about it.
_I need to know more about that magic.
Alessandro handed him a thick leather-bound book, he said.
_Here you can find all the information that exists about that magic.
Taking the book Sirius asked.
_ Where did you get this book? _I'll keep that information to myself.
_I'll return the book to you when I finish it.
_l can't let you take it, you have to read it here.
_ Because? _| can't tell you either.
_l understand, then | will read it here.