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Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down by Patricia Maradiaga

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

30 My wish Several days had passed since Alessandro had told Abril that perhaps he would end up falling in love

with her, those words had left Abril thoughtful, although seeing that her relationship with the king remained the

sshe wondered if all that had been a dream, or an illusion created by her desire for someone to love her.

As the days went by and her relationship with Alessandro did not change, in the end she stopped thinking about

it, discarding it as a simple illusion.

A month later Sirius went to see Alessandro and told him.

_ I think I've already found what you asked for? _ And why did it take you so long? _It's not easy to find a way to

treat a wound as deep as the one the princess received and not leave a scar when you can't use magic, I've had

to look for endless plants to be able to do what you askedand I'm not so sure of the results either, but I think

it will work.

Alessandro stood up and said to him.

_Givethe medicine, I'll take it to her myself.

Sirius handed her the ointment he had in his bag and said.

_You must apply it on the wound every day, it is not a magic medicine so the results will not be seen


Alessandro left, when he got to his room he found April on the balcony, the gentle spring breeze made her long

red hair flutter, she looked beautiful being bathed by the sun's rays, he approached her and said.

_ What are you doing up? You should be in bed.

_I'm tired of being in bed.

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_You still haven't recovered, you must be more careful, did you get up alone? _No, one of the maids helped me

up, but | wanted to be alone so | asked her to leave.

_ Have any of the maids been rude to you? _No, but | like being alone, | didn't want her to stay behindall the

tlike a shadow.

_Let's go back inside.

Alessandro was going to pick up Abril in his arms and take her back to the room, but she told him.

_Wait, your majesty, | don't want to go in yet, letstay here a little longer, please.

_Okay, but just a little while longer.

April rested her arms on the railing and stared at the palace gardens, he asked her.

_ What are you looking at? _Flowers are very beautiful, don't you think? Alessandro had never paid much

attention to that kind of things, he took a quick look, the garden was in full bloom, there were endless flowers of

different colors making the garden look full of life, as he looked at it he said.

_l guess you're right, it's beautiful, do you like flowers a lot? _Yes, | love them because they are full of life and

color, | always see them and they makefeel like | am still alive too.

The memory of when she had been pushed into the rose bushes cto April's mind, of the pain she had felt

when all those thorns had stuck into her skin and gotten tangled in her hair, and she said.

_Although I don't like roses, or any flower that has thorns.

_What other things do you not like? April raised her gaze to the vast blue sky, she saw a bird flying through the

skies in total freedom and she wished she could be free like that bird was, even if it was just once, and she


_Being locked up, | have been locked up, deprived of my freedom since | was a child and | hate it, | hate living

like a caged bird whose wings have been clipped.

Alessandro felt that she was trash just like King Venobich was, he had done what she hated the most, he had

locked her up like a bird, denying her freedom.

Alessandro took her in his arms changing the subject and said to her.

_We have to go in, you can't overdo it, your wound could open.

He carried her to the bed, laid her down gently and said.

_Sirius has made a medicine for you, so that you don't have a scar.

_Actually, that doesn't matter to me, it's somewhere you can't see.

_But I will see her and when | run my hands over your body | will feel her.

_I suppose that would displease his majesty, _It's not really about that, | just don't want you to have a scar, |

don't want you to have a permanent reminder that you were hurt.

_Even if there is no scar, | don't think | can forget it.

Sometimes there are scars that no one can see, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

There are wounds and scars that don't mark the body, but the soul, and there is no ointment or medicine that

can erase them.

All that remains is to wait for tto stop bleeding and heal.

_But sometimes you can forget them.

Alessandro lifted Abril's nightgown, removed the bandage and checked the wound.

It was still red, although it looked much better.

He applied the ointment with his fingertips, being very careful not to hurt her, she told him.

_ When | recover, will | be able to return home? Alessandro started to put the bandage back on and asked him.

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_ Has someone been rude to you or ignored you? _No.

_ So why do you want to leave the palace? If there's something you don't like, telland I'll have it changed.

Ask for whatever you want and it will be done.

_What | want, your majesty cannot give me.

After finishing putting on the bandage, Alessandro kissed her and said.

_If I loved you...

_That's not it either.

_ So what do you want? _Freedom.

Alessandro was willing to grant her anything the princess had asked for, but there was only one thing he could

never grant her and that was her freedom.

Abril knew that her wish was impossible and told her.

_I know that my wish is impossible, so | only ask that you letreturn to my house in the farthest corner of the

palace, since there | can feel free, even though | know that freedom is only an illusion.







