Chapter 39
39 | ca n't refuse Cassian had gone to the training camp that day, he had taken a sword and had started clashing
swords with one of the soldiers, he had been a swordsman in the past, but after receiving that leg injury that had
ended, but thanks to April's magic he had recovered a lot, the pain was no longer a problem and his leg had
stopped failing him, that day he wanted to let off steam with his sword as he had done countless times in the
past and after a long time, he was holding a sword aga
The pressure he felt every this sword clashed with his opponent's, the slight pain in his hands that had
bectoo delicate to be those of a warrior, all of it brought back many memories of when he had touched a
sword for the first time.
After Cassian finished his little training session, his arms were sore and his hands were burning.
Alessandro, who had been watching him from a distance, approached him and said.
_It's been a long tsince | saw you hold a sword.
Cassian was surprised to see his brother.
Alessandro sat next to Cassian and said to him.
_ How are you? _My hands hurt, this remindsof the first t| touched a sword.
_You trained until your hands were covered in blisters, | remember that mother was very upset with you.
_It's true.
Alessandro sighed deeply and said.
_Sometimes | wish | could go back to those days and just be a kid running around without worrying about
anything, being an adult is a pain.
_I miss those days too, | really miss being the man | was before...
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtCassian squeezed his leg.
Although Cassian hadn't finished saying what he was saying Alessandro knew very well what he was referring to,
before that fateful day when he had received that injury.
_When April can control her magic we will ask her to heal your injury, | am sure she will not refuse to do so and
you will be able to go back to doing what you liked, what you are passionate about, you will once again be the
sword-wielding madman Cassian.
_So the crazy swordsman, mom always calledthat.
_You didn't let go of your sword even to sleep, she hated that.
_Back then | wanted to be the best, but it was of no use, King Venobich easily defeated me.
_That guy is a monster.
_I know, but | would have liked to be able to beat him.
_Someday we will do it brother, we will kill that damn bastard, we will finish him off, | promise you.
_ What do you think the princess will say when that happens? _I don't think she'll take his side, he's hurt her a
_Still, he is his father.
_One who never behaved as such, she is just another victim of King Venobich, but let's not continue talking
about that man, he makes my insides turn, let's talk about something else.
_ About what? _I'll have to go and inspect the kingdom soon, | promised the princess that | would take her with
_ That? _I know that if you are away from her for more than a day the pain in your leg comes back, that's why |
wanted to ask you to cwith us.
_You know | don't like leaving the palace.
_l know, but I think you need to go out too, and by the way, if you don't come, the princess won't either, | can't
let you suffer.
Cassian hated leaving the palace, he didn't like others seeing him limping as he walked, he told her.
_I'll think about it.
_Okay, tellwhen you've decided, there's still tuntil that day comes.
Alessandro stood up and said to him.
_I have to go to work, I'll see you at dinner.
After Alessandro Cassian went to find Abril, he didn't want to be with them during dinner, seeing them flirt in
front of him was painful.
When Cassian asked about Abril, one of the maids told him she was having breakfast in the garden and guided
him to where she was.
That day April was wearing a yellow dress with white lace decorations, she had her long reddish hair tied in a
braid with a white ribbon, she looked beautiful.
Seeing him, April raised her hand and called him.
_Hello Cassian.
He was smiling at her and at that moment he felt like they were the only ones there, it was like everything else
had stopped mattering.
Cassian approached her and greeted her.
_Good morning April, what are you doing? _It's a beautiful day today so | decided to have breakfast out.
Have you had breakfast yet? _| haven't done it yet.
_ Do you want to join? _Yes, | would love to.
One of the maids went to get a chair for Cassian, while they waited for him to return Cassian saw April throwing
food under the table and asked her.
_ What are you doing? April lifted the tablecloth and said to him.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm_Feeding Koda, he doesn't want to cout from under the table.
When the maid returned with the chair Cassian sat in front of the princess, she said to him.
_His majesty toldto take him to the next inspection, I'm very excited about that.
April told him with a big smile on her lips.
_Are you excited to accompany him? _Since | got here | have only gone out once, it was when | went to the
temple, that t| was very nervous about what was going to happen so | couldn't appreciate anything.
_It will be boring to be with my brother during his inspection, besides they will only go to small towns, there is
nothing worth seeing there.
_Maybe, but it will be my first tgoing out so I'm looking forward to it.
I've always been locked up, both here and in the kingdom of Laios, so even if it's boring or there's nothing to see,
| want to go out and see it with my own eyes.
After hearing April how much she was looking forward to leaving the castle, Cassian couldn't refuse to go, she
asked her.
_ Are you going too? Yes, I'll go with you too.
April smiled widely and said.
_I'm looking forward to that day, we'll definitely have a great time.
very good.