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Forgotten Wife: Let the Traitors Kneel Down by Patricia Maradiaga

Chapter 8
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Chapter 8

8 Shameless Alessandro had completely ignored the princess, however, she was still a princess and should be

treated as such, at no point had he ordered that.

A small memory cto Alessandro's mind, he had punished her and sent her to that place as a punishment,

however, that had only been temporary.

Alessandro covered his face with his hands, he never said how long the princess was going to be in that place

and since no one had mentioned her again he had completely forgotten about her, he looked at her carefully.

She was dressed in a simple white dress that reached her knees, that dress had no decoration, not even the

servants dressed that way, the princess was barefoot, the sthing had happened before, he thought it was

because of the princess's extravagance, however, something made him think that it was not that way.

_ Are you tellingthat you have been living in this place for three years without the help of any servant?


_ Why did you never say anything? Why did you never complain? _ Why would | do that? And even if | did, who

would listen to me? His Majesty made it clear tothat he didn't want to see me.

| only do what His Majesty wanted.

_l don't...

April put the clothes on the bed and said...

_I'm sorry, but there are no more clothes you can wear in this place so you'll have to wear your clothes, they're

actually clean, | | washed them myself, although the blood stains did not disappear.

At that moment Alessandro felt sorry for the princess in front of him, although he didn't feel sympathy for her

because of everything her family did, he felt sorry for living in such a difficult way for so many years.

Alessandro took the clothes and removed the sheet that covered him, until that moment he did not realize that

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he was completely naked, his face turned red and he asked him.

_ Who took my clothes? _It was me, is there a problem? _ Have you no shame? _ Why should | have it? _You took

all my clothes.

_ Should I really be ashamed of myself for that? _You're shameless, get out so | can change.

_ Don't you wantto help you? _No, now get out.

April left the house, Alessandro got up to change, then she cback in and poked her head through the door

seeing him Completely naked, she didn't flinch or feel any shand as if nothing had happened she asked him.

_ Is your majesty sure you don't wantto help you get dressed? Alessandro covered himself with his hands

and screamed at him.

_No, go away and close the door.

_As you wish.

Alessandro had never been so embarrassed in his life; what manners had the princess had to see a completely

naked man and not flinch.

April waited patiently for Alessandro to change and wondered what she had done now to make his majesty so


Alessandro left the house, it was a little difficult for him to walk, he felt dizzy and his head was spinning, Abril

held him as he was about to fall and said to him.

_I'll help you get to the palace.

Alessandro was in no position to refuse his help so he didn't say anything and leaned on his shoulder to keep

from falling.

As they walked, Alessandro saw that the princess was barefoot and asked her.

_ Why don't you wear shoes? _| only have one pair of shoes and they are too small, they hurt my feet, | prefer

not to wear them.

Alessandro felt miserable, as a husband he had not provided his wife with what she needed, even though he

hated her he did not want to be seen as a stingy man who lets his wife live like a beggar.

Alessandro leaned on his little wife's shoulder until he reached the palace and found sguards.

When they saw the king, pale and with his clothes stained with blood, they ran to help him.

April stood aside as she watched the king being taken away, when Alessandro turned to look back she was gone,

she had disappeared like a ghost.

After the doctor attended to Alessandro, he called the butler and asked him.

_ Did you know that all this tmy wife has been living on her own, forgotten in a small house in the farthest

part of the castle? _Of course your majesty knew that, | remind you that that was the punishment you chose for

the princess when she attacked Miss Victoria.

_I said that they would take her to that place, but not that they would leave her there forever, they should only

leave her there for a month at most so that she could meditate on what she did.

His Majesty said nothing about that, nor did he ask about the princess again.

_He orders that she be brought back, and that she be given new clothes and comfortable shoes.

_As your majesty commands.

April was working in her garden when the butler approached her and said.

_Princess, what are you doing? _Working in my garden.

_That is not behavior worthy of a princess.

_ So you wantto sit in my room waiting to starve to death? _Of course not, that's why he brings food to the

princess every day.

April couldn't help but laugh at the butler's absurd words and said to him.

_Since I've been living here, I've only been given a basket of food once, and that was three years ago.

Since then, | haven't seen any of the maids, and they haven't broughtany food either.

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If I don't look for my own food, I'll starve to death.

Does the butler wantto starve to death? The butler was stunned, although the princess had been sent to

that remote part of the castle he had ordered the maids to be in charge of giving the princess food, it was

unheard of that she had been living worse than one of the servants when she was a princess.

The butler looked at one of the maids who had accompanied him and asked.

_lIs that true? _I don't know, sir.

_I'll talk to the head maid later, they better hope what the princess is saying isn't true.

April felt annoyed, the butler did not believe her words, she continued removing the weeds from her garden.

_Princess, please leave that and cwith me.

_ Where to? _His majesty wantsto return to the palace.

April remembered the first year she had lived in the palace, locked in her room freezing in the winter and dying

of the heat in the summer, she kept cutting the weeds and said.

_l don't want to, tell his majesty that | prefer to live here.

_But princess your majesty...

_l don't plan on moving from here, why don't you forget that I'm in this place like you've done until now, leave







