Hidden Flame: Bound to the Triplet Dragon Kings Chapter 5: The World HatesCassies My professors must hate me. Of all of the students that I could be red with, Mr. Chen chose Avery. Thanks to my fucking tribe allowing her in and to be a cook, I see her enough at hand now have to put up with her here at school too, she never belonged here and she won't just disappear. My brothers and I don't need her because we are capable of caring for ourselves and this kingdom.
Sometimes I think that the nobles whom I will rule over one day assigned her to us just to torture me. In their ignorance, they assumed that her quiet nature would rub off onand my brothers All being around her does is infuriate me. She is so frail, meek, and plain. She doesn't deserve to be in the dragon world. I wish that she would disappear to the human world from where she cfrom. No doubt they would reject her too. Perhaps that's why she was an orphan in the first place, even her own kind didn't want her. When I am king, no outsider will be accepted into our tribe unless they pass whatever task we assign. My parents and the nobles were fools to unconditionally accept humans. Humans nearly hunted dragons to extinction once. It is why we put up the barrier. No human is allowed through yet Avery somehow managed to. If there was a crack in the barrier, I could understand how Avery is here. However, there is no such crack because my brothers and I made the guards check- Mr. Chen hands out our course list. Unfortunately, it looks like there are a lot of joint lab activities. I need to find a way to ditch. them and leave Avery alone to complete them. I will not work side-by-side with her. Just looking at her makeswant to grab handful of her hair and bang her head on the table. My dragon, Asher, would love nothing more than to burn her to a crisp. But such things are against our laws within our tribe, but once she's old enough to leave here all bets are off. I can hunt her down like the scared little rabbit she is.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt20mm, Cassius I need your thumbprint for this project," she timidly ays in her mousey little voice that makeswant to squish, her like a bug.
I snarl as I bite into my thumb. She wants a thumbprint, so I will give her one in blood. I watch her gag as I put my bloody thumbprint onto the slide. When she rushed over to a nearby trash can to vomit, I turned to the class and winked. Mr. Chen gave her a restroom pass and approached me. He leaned down to whisper. You might be our future king, but you have not earned that title yet. I suggest you learn how to treat your subjugates." I nod but internally I roll my eyes. This old fart knows nothing about governing. My brothers and I have been groomed for this since the day we were born.
With Avery gone, I could relax and joke ake with n my friends. I had four gris begging to be my partner and if I had any other teacher but crabby Mr. Chen, I could have my choice of prpussy. If I didn't need this elective to graduate, I would drop the class. Avery will make sure that I pass, so I can use my free tto explore every girl in this school until I find my mate.
Avery My day just keeps getting worse. I hate Mondays! I am unsure how can avoid Cassius, but I need to find a way. I understand why Mr. Chen paired us because Cassius needs to pass this class in order to graduate. I am a diligent student and I excel at science which makesthe perfect lab partner for anyone who is struggling to pass. To my horror, the person struggling to pass is Cassius. If his dragon is so powerful and influential, let's see if it can help him pass.
1, unlike many students, like most of the teachers here but Mr. Chen is different because I like him the most. He is a nice older man and is friends with my adoptive parents. He, like them, rarely lets his dragon out. I am still afraid of him but not as much as I am of my classmates, especially The Tand the Hoity Hags. I wish that there was a way to rewind time. I would gladly go back to when I was three and prevent my parents from leaving our house that day. Then I would have never been an orphan who years later. accidentally wandered into the dragon realm. To this day, I still dont know how I was able to. Supposedly there is a magical barrier preventing unknowing humans from trespassing.
Alone with my thoughts and my anxiety near crippling levels, I spent the remainder of Mr. Chen's class in the restroom. I did not want to see Cassius again or hear the other students whisper about me. I just wanted to hide until this day was over, but I could not. I left the safety of the bathroom stall and hurriedly walked to my next class. It is a literature course. Miss Alman, a petite obese woman with gray hair and horn-rimmed glasses, assigns us seats.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmWithout saying a word. Conner slams his book down beside me. Started, I nearly jumped out of my seat while he chuckled quietly.
Do you like this story? + ADD TO LIBRARY Chapter 5: The World Hatesresponsible for writing and jetforming their own play. If you refuse to perform, you will fail this course and for many of you, that means that you will not graduate. So I suggest that you all take this ssignment very seriously," she said..
I put my head down on my desk. The world must hate me. First, my parents are killed and I am raised in e an orphanage in the Kuman world. Then because even human kids hate me, I ran and ended up being adopted by dragons. Now I am stuck having to work with my dragon tormentors or else I can never leave this placeFuck my luck! The world hates me! Chapter Comments Rudite
Something tellsshe not just not just a human... there is more going on.
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