Racy Red **ROMANY** There were only three swimsuits in my closet and they were all bikinis. I released a frustrated growl as I realized that the only one that *might* fit was, of course, a string bikini in racy red. The other two, aside from being hideous, were made for itty bitty titties. At least with the string bikini I could somewhat adjust the fit. As long as the top wasn't *too* small. Less fabric meant less coverage and after what had just happened with Alex, I needed all the coverage I could get. I dressed in the dim light of my room, pleasantly surprised when it turned out that the swimsuit that I chose was actually a couple sizes bigger than the other two were, grantingplenty of coverage both topside and down. Even so, I still slipped on the white terry cloth robe hanging in my bathroom and tied it closed before I headed downstairs.
It was well after nine o'clock when I hit the first floor and I was kind of shocked to see so many people still milling about. Just like at breakfast, there were a good number of men and women scattered about and I had to wonder if they hustled and bustled like this regularly. Swere watching, swere cleaning... swere *glaring* at *me*. But then I remembered, the night that I arrived here, the place seemed virtually empty.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt*These are all things that are not your business Ro. Get your ass to the pool.* Walking toward the dining room I passed more than a few ladies who stopped working to glare at me. I ignored them, much like before, and headed straight out the sliding glass doors and onto the raised pathat led toward the pool. The air wasn't as warm as I preferred it to be during a night swim, but I didn't let it bother me. The steps down to the pool were made of ssmooth white stone that felt like heaven on my bare feet. They extended down two levels, branching off to the right on each floor. I chose the bottom tier of the tri-level pool to swim in because that was where the lounges were. As I stepped closer to the water, lights con all around the area. Illuminating everything around the pool as well as the pool itself in a cycle of colors. *Nice.* Glancing at the darker section of the grounds just beyond the pool, I shivered. There was a path that led into that darkness and sweird part ofknew that I never wanted to go down it.
Shaking off the night swim jitters, I stepped to the edge of the pool. Before untying my robe, I took a quick glance around to be sure that I was well and truly alone. Satisfied that I was, I let it slip to the ground and stepped gingerly into the water. *Hell yes!* The water felt fantastic. Much warmer than I anticipated it might be and before I knew it I was completely submerged. The lights along the pool walls sparkled brighter whenever you got close to them, making the water pulse with color as I swam easily from one side to the next. After a few minutes of exercise, I floated toward the shallow end to rest. Just as I made it to the steps, a large man dressed in bodyguard black cswaggering out of the dark carrying a silver dtray and a glass or red wine.
"Dinner," he said gruffly, placing the items on the table farthest from the steps. Then he turned around and disappeared in the direction of the house.
I wasn't sure why he chose the spot that he did, so far away from the lights, but it wasn't permanent. I was perfectly capable of relocating that shit myself, so I let it go. Climbing out of the water I reached down for my robe and froze. It was gone.
"What the fuck?" I hissed. I didn't see anyone cout here aside from Deebo in the black suit. Even if they did and I simply didn't notice them, why would they take my robe? *What the fuck?* "Assholes," I murmured to myself as I decided that my swim was over and headed for the dinner tray and wine.
Too irritated now to bother switching tables, I plopped my ass down and removed the dcover from the tray then cursed. "You've got to be fucken kidding me. Really?" The only thing on the plate beforewas my fucking reflection. Nothing else. Not a carrot nor a pea, not a bean or slice of bread. Nothing. "Wow," I said, glaring at the wine glass and wondering if it was tainted sway, or worse... poisoned. "Fuck this," I snapped, standing up to head back toward the house in my barely there bikini. Grumbling to myself as I stomped up the steps I decided that if this was Alex's idea of a joke, I was going to have to plan my revenge. *That bastard sentout to the pool in tissue and then had them servean empty fucking plate.* By the tI reached the sliding glass doors I was freezing. Shivering from head to toe. But when I reached out to yank the door open and it didn't budge, my body ignited with fury and the cold was forgotten. "Unbelievable," I snapped. I yanked on it again and then again before giving up. The hallway beyond the dining room was still brightly lit and I could see people milling about in the other room, so I pounded on the door like a fucking madwoman, hoping I'd shatter the glass. Absolutely nobody cared. Not one of them. There were guards inside, scattered about! In charge of shit like security and investigating loud noises, but either they were deaf idiots or they were ignoring me. *Did Alex order them to do this? To teachstwisted fucked up lesson?* "Fuck," I snapped, stepping away. *I'm going to have to find a different way in.* I knew there was another entrance off the main hall near Alex's office, so I headed in that direction. Following the pastones that dipped around the corner, away from the pool, I was relieved to see I'd found the double doors into the main hall. The windows on each side ofwere curtained and dark. But the hall beyond the doors was brightly lit and a maid stood just inside of them with her back to me.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Without even trying the knob, I pounded on the glass, hiding my smile when the maid jumped five eet Sheiturned around, glared at me, then flippedthe bird and walked away. *I will fucking cut a bitch.* "Cunt," I sniped, before trying the knob.
To my complete and utter shock, it opened easily and I damn near clicked up my heels. Stepping inside as quickly as I could, I shook out my ponytail and used my hair to cover my goodies as best I could. I kept my gait steady and unhurried as I sauntered down the hall. The last thing I wanted was for them to think that they upset me. Every pair of eyes turned my way as I passed, but none of them said a word.
th I hurried up the stairs, anger and humiliation powering my steps as tore up to the third floor in record time. I made a beeline straight for his dporar door and then pounded on the damn thing with two fists. *Answer it you piece of shit.* But nothing happened. *Motherfucker.* I reached for the handle, not expecting it to turn, but it did. *Oh. Shit.* The door swung open to reveal his dark, empty sitting room and before I could decide to chicken out, I forced myself inside.