Chapter 0110 OLIVIA -25 BONUS Minutes turned to hours with those two unable to get hold of their boss. They were getting impatient and frustrated, and it scared me. I did not want them to take out their frustrations onand I didn't want my son to grow up without me. I had already lost so much twith im I didn't want to lose more.
"What the fuck are we going to do now? We have been here for hours and still can't get hold of her." The driver said to his partner, I sat there calmly watching them. there was no need to agitate them, they were already going crazy because their boss was not picking up. "I don't know an; we can lock her in here and cback tomorrow." Oh no! that was not good. I couldn't be there for that long, had already been gone for the whole day, Samuel and Lupita were going to expectto chsoon. They had not heard fromsince morning. It would worry them if I don't show, and they can't get through to my phone.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"I don't get it; she was so desperate to have her and now she is not answering. Do you think something happened to her?" the one who pointed a gun atasked. The driver stood then glance my way. "Then we kill her and be done with this." That was when I stood, I was not ready to die, not yet.
I still wanted to see my son grow, see what kind of man he will be, what kind of wife he will one day marry and what profession he would choose. I want to hold my grand children one day, dying now was not an option. "Since your boss is a no show, how about we go back to my original deal?" they shared a look.
Now they were thinking about it. The crazy woman they spoke of was nowhere to be found and they were stuck with me. they could either make a deal withor kill me. those were the two options I had. “Which one are you talking about, your mafia father or you paying us double what that crazy woman was going to pay us?" Why would I be talking about my mafia father when they had takenhours ago and he didn't show? "The one where I pay you and you letgo." They shared a look. "Okay, let's say we agree, how are we going to get the money? Because we want it today before we let you go." That was easy, all I needed to do was to make a call.
I didn't have billions, but I had enough to pay those two. "Theed to make a call for my people to send you the money." They shared a look, the driver took out his phone and handed it to me. "Dial and put it on speaker, we don't want you calling the police." I started to dial but we saw two cars coming our way.
The driver quickly grabbed the phone out of my hands and shoved it back into his pocket. There goes my hope! The two cars were luxurious which toldthat their boss was well off. I was curious to know who it was before but now that she was coming, not so much.
I was scared to death of what she was going to do to me. the cars cto a stop and the door opened from the one on the back. Four men got out and went to the one in front. They opened the door to the back, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Well, I guess you are learning. I was wondering how long it was going to take you to turn these morons to your side." He said and I frowned. "How did you know I was here and how did you find out about this conversation?" it was weird and very disturbing.
How could he possibly know what I had been talking about with those men? "You are my daughter, Olivia. Did you really think, I would just leave you out there alone to fend for yourself? I made that mistake before, not again." The two men looked pale. "Do you know me?" Luke asked them and they couldn't even speak. They were shaking so hard as if they were looking at the devil himself. "Well, you reaction says you do. But I am wondering, why didn't you believe her when she told you that I would cfor her?" okay! That's it! "How the hell did you know all that? you just got here; how could you know what we spoke about?" he shook his +25 BONUS Chapter 0110 head like he could not belleve I asked him that. "I put a tracker on you, and a microphone. They are very small and can't be detected. The tracker tellswhere you are, and the microphone let'slisten when things like these happen."
I shuddered, Jesus Christ! Luke was sick, did that mean he heard everything that happened between ΟΠ Marcus and 12 shit! And when the hell did he do all this and where the fuck did he put those things? "Don't look like that, I don't listen to your private moments. I turn it off when you are in the hospital in Marcus's room.” oh, thank God! But fuck! When the hell did he do it. "It was when you got into an accident the first time. Well, when I arranged for your accident." Bloody hell! I fufned in anger, I almost died in that damn accident, and he arranged it?
"Okay, I can see how angry you are right now, and I get it. But we will not talk about our family issues in front of strangers." Before I could say anything, Luke looked at his men and ordered "Drop them off at the police station. You are going to confess to what you did but if you decide to be clever and not do it. I will cafter you and i will put you both in the ground" His men hurried to take the guys and took the one car driving away. Then he turned to look atas if nothing happened.
I didn't know if it was shock or what, but I just stood there numb and looking into space. I didnt know he would do that, Hell! i thought he would kill them, he was a mafia boss after all and killing was part of his everyday life. Why did he let them go? i wondered, not that i wanted him to kill them but i wanted to know why he didnt.
"Jesus, you need to learn how to take care of yourself. Are you now shocked that i got them arrested or you that I didnt kill them i am not the monster you think i am Olivia, what i do is not who i am. Also, you shouldn't be bothered. about what happens to those two. Damnit Olivia, where is your self-preservation? feeling sorry for them?" Self-preservation? I didn't know if that word triggered me, but I found myself slapping him so hard in the face.