Chapter 0121 OLIVIA I got out of the car and Marcus got out as well. He gavea passionate kiss before pulling out. "I miss you already." I blushed. He was droppingoff at the hotel. We needed to pack our stuff and move into the house I bought for us. We went to fetch the key after leaving the hospital and I wanted us out of the hotel the next day.
"I miss you too." He smiled thep kissed the tip of my nose then my forehead. "You are loved, Olivia Williams." He said before getting back into the car. I watched it drive off before getting inside the hotel with a huge smile on my face. I was happy, for the first tin a long time, I was genuinely happy, and it was all thanks to that man. I rode the elevator up to the penthouse and when I got there. Lupita was at the door with her arms folded in her chest. "Spill!" I frowned stopping in front of her, I raised an eyebrow wondering what she was talking about. "Oh, no girl! I saw you down there. I was standing on the balcony when I saw a scene down there. So, spill. I want to know everything." I couldn't help but blush. I covered my face with my left hand. Lupita must have seen the ring because she screamed jumping up and down makinglaugh. Grandma and Samuel crushing to the door opening it wide.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"What is happening out here?" she asked looking worried, picked up Samuel still laughing. “Olivia is engaged." Grandma looked atand I showed her my hand. She took it and looked at the ring then lifted her eyes and looked at me.
Her eyes were teary. "Oh, Olivia. I am happy for you child. No one deserves this more than you do. You have been through a lot child, it's tfor you to be happy now." I smiled also getting teary. "Tellchild, which boy is making an honest woman out of you." I laughed. Grandma was exactly like my grandmother.
"Don't laugh, I see how all three of those boys look at you. I can tell they all have feelings for you even that ex husband of yours." I frowned when she mentioned Nick. The man didn't care about me, what grandma Susan saw was not right. "Don't look atlike that, you might not see it because of all the anger you have towards him, but that man still loves you. am just saying "1 "Let us go inside." We all walked inside. Samuel went to play with his toys on the floor. We sat around the table while Lupita made a call to ask for champagne to be sent up to the penthouse. "Olivia, I am not saying go back to your husband or forgive him. that is all up to you. but child, if you are going to get married to someone else. Then, you will have to forgive him not for him but for your sake.
I listened attentively. "You don't want to go into marriage with someone else with the baggage from your first marriage. You will end up scrutinizing everything that man does and comparing him to your ex. It won't be fair on the poor man and you will end up getting a divorce because of that." What grandma said hit home. "Forgive him Olivia and move on. Life is too short to be holding on to grudges and the past. Move on child, you have a second chance at love and happiness. Use it." I got up and went to hug grandma.
By this time, I was already crying. Lupita cin with the champagne and stopped in her tracks when she saw I pulled out and wiped my tears. "Okay, I thought we were celebrating but now I don't know. What are we doing or what happened?" I chuckled going to sit back down. "Nothing is happening, we are still celebrating." A smile broke on her face as she gave us champagne glasses. She poured us sand placed the bottle on the table. "Here is to Olivia and Marcus. May you two be happy and blessed. You deserve all the happiness in the world after what you have been through.' We clicked glasses and drank. We continued conversing and laughing. But grandma's words rang in my head. She was right, I had to unburden myself and forgive Nick for what he did to me. forgive myself for falling for him back +25 BONUS Chapter 0121 then. I thought he was a good man, but I was wrong. I was love, and I tried to make it work but it didn't.
It was not my fault what happened, and it was in the past now. I had to move on from it, not forget everything but accept it happened and move on with my life. If I continued giving Nick control over my life. Then I would never move on, never be happy.
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"We are moving tomorrow. The house is ready. This evening Marcus m is going to get someone to put furniture in it and when we get there tomorrow, everything will be ready for us." Lupita cheered. "I enjoyed staying here but it was starting to get annoying not being able to go to the part with Samuel. I am ready to leave.”
I laughed. "So, it's Marcus, huh?" grandma asked, and I nodded. "You chose well, that young man looks responsible, and he has been there for you. Thope he makes you happy." I smiled. "I don't care what happens in the future, I have learned that the future is not guaranteed for any of us. From now on, I am going to live for today and enjoy today."
my son who was Grandma nodded.
"Even so, you must plan for the future, you have Samuel now im noworm glanced at my playing on the floor. "I have made plans for him." life was strange, if one tolda year ago that I would be happy today. I would have laughed in their face. I was down and out when I got out of jail. Broken, damaged and penniless. But today, I owned a business, have my son withand engaged to be married to the man who valued me, who acceptedfor who I am. Broken with scars and all.
"Hey, why are you crying now." I didn't even notice I was crying until Lupita said something. “These are tears of joy. I have ca long way, and I am happy that things are looking up fornow."