Chapter 0087 OLIVIA I felt better after spending line with Marcus, he had a way of makingfeel safe when I am with him, his words warm my heart and the way the man cared for me, madefeel like I could be happy again. But I couldn't let myself think about such things, not when things were going downhill again for me.
I didn't know when I would have peace and focus on my son, my business and maybe finding love again. "Hey, are you still thinking about those people? I told you not to worry, everything is going to be okay, you will see." Marcus broughtback from my thoughts.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI turned to him and gave him a small smile. He was drivingback horne, I missed my son and the fact that his nammy didn't get back to me, gotworried. "No, am fine, just thinking about things in general, nothing Important." He studied me.
"Are you sure? You know you can tellanything" That warmed my heart, he really did care for me, and I wished my mind was focused enough to acknowledge that fact and maybe act on my feelings for him. But this was not the time. "I am fine Marcus, really." He nodded focusing on the road. When we got to my house he stopped.
"I will not be coming in, but I will cand check on you later on. I still have business meeting to attend then I will cover." I nodded getting out of the car. "Do you wantto bring you anything when I come?" I shook any head. "No, I am fine. I will see you later." I watched him drive off then walked towards the front door.
1 knocked then tried the doorknob. It opened and that madefrown. My son was just kidnapped not too long ago and yet Lupita left the door unlocked. Yes, it might have been Nick who did it but still. I would rather they be safe than sorry.
I walked in. "Lupita!" I called her nas I walked in. I needed to talk to her about the whole thing, she can't just leave a door like that not after everything. “Lupita, where are you?" I yelled as I walked into the lounge. "We are in here Olivia." She yelled back and I followed her voice towards Samuel's room.
When I opened the door, my heart sank, Sandra sat there with a smirk on her face and my son next to her sleeping The sick woman had a knife right on my son's pillow, grandina Susan tied up and with a tape on her mouth. Lupita standing by the chest of drawer's tears stained her cheeks and hands tied to the back.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmNo wonder she didn't answer the phone when I called. I shouldn't have known something was wrong because she never ignores my calls and if she missed my call, she would call right back but this tshe didn't, why didn't I think of this sooner, why didn't I just chome? "Welchome, Olivia. We have been waiting a long tfor you, where have you been?" I stood by the door not knowing what to do or how to react to the situation. I should have asked Marcus to cin with me. "What are you doing Sandra?" she brushed my son's hair, and he didnt even move, nothing That gotworried. "What did you do to my son?" I took two steps towards the bed, but she took the knife and put it on his throat stoppingin my tracks. "I wouldn't do that if I were you and don't worry, he is just in. P sleep. Now answer my questions, where have you been?" I stood there looking at my son.
I wanted nothing more than to rush to him and check if he was alright. "I was with Marcus." She tilted her head to the side and stared at me. "You never were a good liar, now tellthe truth. Where have you been?" she pressed the knife harder on my son's throat and drew blood.
Anger, pain and shock washed overwhen I saw that blood. Still my son didn't move, and I wondered what kind of sedative did she give him. "I was with Nick first, his father passed away." She looked shocked by the news and her eyes turned crazy suddenly.
"Why did he call you, he should have called me, I should have been the one by his side. When did his father die?" +25 BONUS Chapter 0087 "Two days ago," Sandra went crazy, "I have been here since last night and you were busy with Nick this whole time! I should have killed this brat of yours just to teach you a fucking lesson!"
"Sandra, I told you I was not with Nick the whole time, I was with Marcus. You can call Nick and confirm what I am saying.” Her eyes looked wild, and I fear what she was going to do. "Look, tell the what you want, and I will give it to you." I needed her out of my house and away from my son. I also needed to take him to the doctor to get checked out. "I want you to call Nick, I need him to chere, and I ware you to make him understand that everything I did was for him. make him understand that I didn't want to lur him just to get him away from you."
1 looked at Sandra and a thought cto mind. If I wanted to get rid of Sandra. I needed to find a way to'get Nick put of our lives forever. "I will tell him all that and in fact. You were right Sandra; Nick is not Samuel's father."
She looked atthen back at Samuel. She then laughed throwing 11 her head back, the woman really was crazy. knew you were not as innocent, as everyone seems to think you are. Nick has to know, and you are going to tell him, call him Olivia, I don't care what story you make up, just get him here or this brat of yours dies!"