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Revenge After Divorce by Black Rose

Chapter 89
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Chapter 0009 Chapter 0089 OLIVIA I heard Nick yell, and I turned to see Sandra with the knife held high charging at me. Nick was by the door, I think frozen, and I did the only thing I could do. I covered my son with my body and soon I felt stabbing pain on my shoulder then warm liquid spilled out. "Sandra! what the fuck are you doing?" Nick said but I didn't turn.

The knife stuck on my shoulder, and I could feel the blood wetting my blouse back and front. I could hear Lupita screaming on the side. "I am getting rid of that brat, Olivia has shown us that she is not going to leave us alone but, if I kill the brat. She will get the message." Sandra sounded crazy, out of her mind.

"Owen! Owen, get in here.” Nick yelled, I slowly got up, pain spread through my body as I moved. When I turned, Nick held Sandra, and she was struggling to get out of his hold. Owen budged in and his eyes widened when he saw the scene. "Take her to the car." He ordered.

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Owen took Sandra out and Nick cmy way, but I shook my head stopping him in his tracks. "Call an ambulance and help Lupita and grandma out of the restraints." Nick made the call then helped Lupita who ran toas soon as her hands were free.

"I need to stop the bleeding." She looked around and found Samuel's blankie. She pressed it against the wound as she kept apologizing as if she was the one who stabbed"Olivia." "Don't! your presence in my life caused this, take Sandra and get out of my house and out of my life. Am done with you." he looked hurt and defeated. "But Olivia, Samuel is still..." "Has nothing to do with you, he is mine and I told you that he is not your child. Now get the hell out but keep Sandra safe, I want her arrested for this." Before he could say anything, the paramedics arrived.

They worked fast packing my wound. "We have to take you to the hospital for the knife to be taken out." I pointed at my son on the bed. "Check on him, he hasn't been moving and I don't know what she gave him." they rushed to my son, and they confirmed he was breathing.

Then they took us both into the ambulance. I told Lupita to stay behind with grandma who has not said a word since the tape was removed from her mouth. The drive to the hospital was not long and when we arrived, we were taken to different directions despite my protest.

I was given something for the pain before the knife was taken out of my shoulder. "You don't seem to like being at hMrs Jones. You were only discharged a few days ago and you are already back here." The trauma doctor who took care ofwhile I was admitted there said.

"Trouble seems to findwherever I go, doctor. Now please taketo my son." He finished off then tookto the paediatric ward where Samuel was. My son was still asleep, and the doctors toldthat he was given a strong sedative, but he was alright.

The small cut on his throat was cleaned and bandaged. "Mam, since a child was involved, we had no choice call the police and child protective service." My eyes widened, if they dared take my son, I was going to hunt Sandra down and kill her myself.

Soon, Nick, Marcus who i assumed was called by Lupita or Ethan because they arrived at the stand child. protective services. I explained what happened to the police and child protective services and Nick collaborated my story.

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"You can leave now." Nick looked atas if I was crazy for asking him to leave. “This is my son, Olivia, I am not leaving until he wakes up.” I chuckled. “This is not your son and even if he was. I was riot going to let you anywhere near him. you protected the woman who did this to him, you send Sandra to the psych ward instead of calling the police on her. what the hell is wrong with you?” 1/2 Chapter 0089 +25 BONUS

"You did what?” Ethan and Marcus asked at the stime. You didn't see her, she was crazy and she didn't belong in prison but in a facility where she will get help. No one in her right mind will do what she did." Marcus chuckled and Ethan closed the distance between him and Nick. He then punched him in the face sending him to the ground "You piece of shit! You never learn, do you? that woman is not crazy but evil. I understand that you don't know Samuel and have divorced Olivia. But what kind of a monster are you to let a person who hurt a child go free?"

Nick stood up and spit blood. "She is sick Ethan; you didn't see her, that was not Sandra in there." Marcus laughed. "I don't know what she gave you, not long ago you wanted her dead for what she did, for lying to you but today you want to get her help. I don't know if you are confused or just plain foolish." Nick glared at Marcus. By then, it was clear tothat Nick didn't deserve to be in our lives, I did well hiding Samuel the first tbut now it was tI got Nick out of our lives for good. "Leave, Nick. You have no business being here." He glared at me.

"I told you I am not leaving until he wakes up." I closed the distance between us. "And I am telling you that you have no business here, Samuel is not your son. Do a DNA test if you want to but he is not yours!" "Nick studied me.

I did my best not to show it in my face, but I was scared. Nick was unpredictable. "Fine I will do the test.” He turned and walked away. "Olivia, what are you doing?" asked Ethan looking concerned. "Getting your friend out of mine and my son's life and the two of you are going to helpmake that happen. Those test results will show that Nick is not the father, I don't care how you do it, I just want it done!"