Chapter 0099 OLIVIA A small chuckle escaped my lips, he was awake and had taken out the tube in his mouth. His voice was scratchy from the tube. Wait! A frown replaced the smile I had. "Why did you take out the tube, you could have hurt yourself." 1 reprimanded rushing to his side. He offeredsmile.
"If bullets can't hurtthen there is nothing this little tube could do to me. I am indestructible." He joked. He was back. Oh, thank the Lord. Now it was tto do what I set out to do. "Letget the doctor to check on you." .just as I turned to leave, he held my hand.
"Not yet just givewater." I poured him water from the g next to his bed and helped him drink. I placed the cup back. He still held my hand. "Tell me, why were you crying?" I smiled at him. "It's not important now." He studiedbut did not force the issue.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtWhat i is this I hear about you wanting to leave me.” I gave him a sad smile; he must have heardtalking to him earlier. "Do not focus on that now. Focus on getting better and leaving this place." He watchedbut I kept eye contact. It would be a while before I could look into those eyes again or even see his face.
"Am sorry this happened to you, Marcus. But I will make sure something like this never happens again." He looked atwithout saying anything. I straightened. "Well, I am going to get the doctor." I turned to leave but he called my name. I stopped but didn't turn to look at him.
"Are you saying goodbye to me, Olivia?" my heart sank, I was but I didn't want him to know. I couldn't risk his life again and never wanted him to be in the hospital because of me. "Letget the doctor." I walked out without answering him. I could feel that I was going to break if I stayed in that room any longer.
I found the doctor and I stood outside as he checked on him. I kept looking through the glass on the door and his eyes were fixed oneach time. I moved away from the door and waited for the doctor to finish. He cout and sighed.
"It's a good thing that he is awake, but he woke up before tine. We will have to put him back under, he is putting strain on his body, and he needs tto heal." I looked at the door. "Why did he wake up sooner than expected?" "Speople do wake up early even with anaesthesia. That is why we need to give Mr Walker more and have him under for at least another eight to twelve hours." The doctor explained. "So, go ahead and give him." the doctor sighed. “That is the problem, he doesn't want us to, and I think it has something to do with you Ms." I looked at his room door. What the hell was that man thinkng? "I will get him to agree doctor, cback in a few minutes to get it done." The doctor nodded and left. I stood there for a while not knowing what to do.
I sighed then walked back into his ward. "The doctor toldyou refused to be put under again." He watcheduntil I sat on the chair next to his bed. "Yes, I did." "Why? You need this to give your body more tto heal. You experience trauma Marcus, and your body needs tto recover. Hours ago, doctors were not even sure if you were going to wake up and now you want to put strain on your body. Why?" He looked atfunny. "Because I know if I agree to go under again. I will not see you when I wake up." I ed and closed my mouth not knowing what to say. “See what I mean, you wont even deny it. How do you expectto go under knowing that?" "Marcus..." "No, Olivia. I am not doing it only to wake up and find you gone." He looked angry and sad when he said that. I felt bad. "I am not going anywhere; I will be right here when you wake up. How can you even think I would disappear 13 +25 BONUS Chapter 0099 leaving you like this?" he watched me.
"But that is what you were planning, am sure in that mind of yours leaving is the best thing to do because I got hurt, correct?" I swallowed but didn't answer. The man could readlike a book. "Don't leave, Olivia. We will get through this. Just, don't run." He didn't understand, him being by my side is guaranteed that he was going to get hurt again. Not only by Sandra and her people but there was Luke to consider as well. The man was not a saint and was hell bent on protecting me.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
"I promised to be here when you wake up.” He took my hand in his, it still felt a little cold. "Don't make any life changing decisions while am under. Okay?" I nodded. I was going to do as he said. Wait for him to wake up and for the doctors to tellthat he is recovering well.
But in the meantime. I had to get Lupita and her grandmother out of New Village, find Samuel a school ΟΙ and buy a house I needed to get the ball rolling on all of those by morning. In no tthe doctor cand administered the anaesthesia and Marcus was out. I was glad he woke up and that the doctors were optimistic about his condition. I walked out of his room feeling tired and drained. My body screamed atto take care of it, get srest. But there was no time. I had a lot to do and for once, I had to do them on my own.
I couldn't rely on others anymore. "How is he?" asked Ethan taking a seat next toin the waiting room. "The doctors are optimistic, but we will know after he wakes up again in the next eight to sixteen hours." He nodded.
"Nick was admitted again, he collapsed after we left here. It's not looking good Olivia." He sighed hanging his head low. "know that mamis hot perfect, and he caused you a lot of pain. But your revenge on him..." he shook his head looking grim. "Your revenge on him is going to kill him, he already has a weak heart and if things continue this way. He won't make it."