Chapter 148 Ava: A Vampire's Goodwill (Il)
Sister Miriam doesn't speak again until I've finished way too much food.
"I doubt you chere just to ask about my letter," she finally says, and | jump at the opportunity to finally get
"My best friend was taken in the attack. | want to know where she is. | need to save her."
Her eyes grow unfocused, and the strange men return, tidying up the dishes and taking them away in silence.
| watch them curiously as they move. Their faces are blank, and they're unmistakably human, despite the odd
sheen of their skin.
Thralls, Selene murmurs. Bonded servants.
Bonded—to Sister Miriam?
Yes. What you risked when the vampire bit you.
My stomach twists, threatening to let go of the contents I'd just downed with little grace.
Sister Miriam's long fingers tap against the table in a thoughtful rhythm. "One cannot speak an untruth with Fae
food in their belly."
| glance at the table in front of me, but the dishes are gone, and her thrall servants with them.
"Fae food?" | ask, my heart dropping at how easily | was convinced to eat my way into a trap.
"It won't harm you, child."
It isn't for human consumption because of its strong side effects, Selene mutters. Damn it. | should have known,
but | cannot sense Fae magic.
Sister Miriam sighs. "Stop looking so worried. Today's food is only to see if | can trust you. It turns out that you're
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtbut a babe in the world of supernaturals. Eating the food in front of you is a great way to get yourself killed."
A chill races throughat her ominous words, but she doesn't seem to have any ill will toward me—yet.
"I wish | could help you, child, but the one who has his sights set on you is someone even I cannot cross."
My heart skips a beat. | lean forward, hands gripping the edge of the table. "That means you know who it is."
Sister Miriam nods, a faint and unnerving smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It isn't good news."
I don't care. | need to know. "Tell me."
She studiesfor a long moment, her dark eyes seeming to pierce through to my very soul. "With no price?"
"I can agree to anything, if it means | can save Lisa."
The strange vampire presses against the bridge of her nose with a long sigh. "Child. You must learn how to
survive in this world. Serving yourself up to a vampire is tantamount to suicide. Very well. As a gesture of my
goodwill, | will give you what you seek, without price.
The one who seeks you is known as the Mad Prince."
"Mad Prince?" It's the kind of nI'd expect to see in a fantasy story.
"He is a vampire of immense power and influence. No one knows his age, but everyone knows this: His sanity is
gone, lost in time." Sister Miriam's voice drops to a whisper. "And he has taken a keen interest in you, Ava Grey."
My mind reels. A vampire? But why me? "What does he want with me?"
"I think you know. But also understand, the Mad Prince stops at nothing if he wishes to possess something."
Possess them. The words echo in my head, making my stomach churn. "And you think he has Lisa?"
"I know so."
I slump back in my chair, feeling suddenly drained. "What am | supposed to do? How can | save Lisa if even you
can't stand against this Mad Prince?"
"That is not forto find out. That is your job." She leans forward, her red eyes almost glowing with the
intensity of her stare. "Tell me, little wolf. Are you able to access your power yet?"
Selene's ears flick as she stares at the vampire, but her mental voice is quiet.
| hesitate to answer, and Sister Miriam continues, "Do you wish to learn?"
A dhampir cannot teach a magician, Selene snaps, and Sister Miriam's eyes move lazily over to meet hers.
"Perhaps the dhampir you know," she purrs, and | stiffen.
"You can hear her?"
Even her scoff is elegant. Seeming to lose interest in us both, Sister Miriam stands with a vague, waving-off
gesture of her hand. "I can hear your wolf when she wishes to communicate. Fear not, little witch. | cannot
interfere in your bond."
She is no witch, Selene growls, jumping onto the table to stalk closer to the vampire, her hackles raised.
"Magician, witch. It's all the same. Only your prejudice keeps you from admitting it, Lycan Queen."
Their argument is over my head, but | can't let go of the first lead I've found at harnessing my power. "Are you
able to teach me?"
"No," Sister Miriam admits after a long silence. "But | know of someone who can. It will not be hard to find her,
but you may have a hard taccepting it."
Selene snaps at the air. Speak not in riddles, dhampir.
"Who is it?" | interject, before Selene can start a fight. Her ominous way of introducing this potential savior has
dread pooling in my belly.
The vampire looks away, seeming unfocused, as though her thoughts are elsewhere. "I will reach out to her, little
wolf. You should return, before your absence is noticed."
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Please, just tellwho—"
"If you don't return, your precious alpha will find your apartment empty, and all his resources will be used to find
you. Not your friend." Sister Miriam smiles faintly. "But do as you wish."
She motions toward the table between us, where three candles now exist.
They weren't there before.
"When you return, you must prepare your price." Her unsettling eyes bore into mine as she leans forward,
touching a single finger against the middle candle.
It lights immediately, a small flthat dances against the white wick. "Without a proper price, a transaction
cannot be made. Do you understand?"
| shake my head. "I don't understand. What's a proper—"
But the world spins a little, pullingforward once again. This time, the world is endless blackness before me,
until everything fades once again.
It's almost nauseating when Lisa's apartment manifests around me, and a sound brings my gaze to the front
door as the knob slowly twists.
The door opens.