Chapter 33 Ava: Selene's Return
Panic seizesas | pat frantically at my neck, searching for the familiar weight of my necklace and finding only
smooth skin.
Where is it? How could | have lost it?
Hurriedly, | retrace my steps, dripping water across the tile as | scour the bathroom. | get down on my hands and
knees, peering under the sink and toilet, my heart pounding with rising dread. Nothing. It's not here.
Wrapping myself in a towel, | venture back into the main room, my gaze darting frantically about as | search for
any sign of the missing crystal. I rifle through the sheets on the bed, tossing pillows aside as my desperation
Not there.
| get the bright idea to check my pockets, but it isn't there either.
I have no idea how big of a problem this is, but Selene had made it seem very important that it stay onat all
I look out the window, wondering if | can convince someone to takeback to the scene of the accident to
search for my necklace. Alpha Clayton seems nice, so maybe?
Selene must have had a good reason for insisting | keep the crystal on me. Both crystals. Now that I've lost one,
what does it mean? Was it a protective charm? Am I no longer protected?
My steps falter as a new thread of panic works its way through me. If the necklace is that significant, does it
mean I'm in danger now that I've lost it?
Selene will have answers when | find her again. She always does, cryptic as they might be. But right now, I'm
A soft rap at the door makesjump, startled by the unexpected sound. | freeze mid-step, my heart rabbiting
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtas the knob turns and the door eases open.
"Ms. Grey?" Nurse Jenna pokes her head inside. "I'm sorry to intrude, but | have a fresh set of clothes for you."
| clutch the towel tighter around myself. "Thank you. | just showered, so it's perfect timing."
It dawns onthat | hadn't even checked for a change of clothes before showering. My brain's been defective
since | got here; it's no wonder I didn't notice the necklace missing.
I end up in a soft cotton hospital gown that buttons up in the back, instead of gaping open. Nurse Jenna left a
cup of water at my bedside and showedhow to use my call light in case | needed anyone.
Too bad none of them can helpmaterialize a missing necklace.
| try to relax in bed; | can't.
| try to relax in the recliner they've provided; | can't.
| try to drink water; | can't.
Food? Perish the thought. | wouldn't be able to swallow that, either. The thought alone makesnauseated.
| keep reaching out for Selene in my mind, meeting only silence. It's something | should be used to, after years of
it—but it's amazing how you adapt to change.
| can't imagine life without Selene anymore, even when she isn't in my head.
It's wrong.
| fall asleep in fits and starts. Every few hours, a nurse comes in to check all my vitals, and it takes a long time
until | can fall asleep again.
But even a restless sleep replenishes your energy, and | wake at sunrise feeling ever-so-slightly refreshed and
ready to take on the world.
Well—maybe not the world.
But definitely to ask Alpha Clayton if | can go back to the scene of the accident.
Unfortunately, that doesn't go well. Apparently, he's too busy to just be called down to the hospital because a
strange woman wants to meet with him.
By lunch, I'm nearly crawling out of my skin with agitation.
* kK
| drop my spoonful of orange jello in shock.
Selene! Where have you been?!
It's like her voice is ebbing and flowing in my mind. I'm sure she's saying so much more than | can hear, but the
important word is there.
| must be too far to maintain a connection. This isn't something any other shifter could have explained to me; all
their wolves exist with them. I've never heard of a wolf that can manifest into their own body, even if it is a dog's
Relief blossoms, relaxing every inch of taut muscle as | lay back in my bed. My breath escapesin a long sigh.
Selene is close.
She must have been running all night. I'm not sure how fast she can run, but it must have been hard on her.
Selene? | ask after a few minutes.
| can hear you, her voice whispers, and | can feel tears in my eyes.
I'm in a hospital run by the Aspen pack. Their alpha savedlast night. I quickly give a summary of events,
feeling her presence strengthen every minute.
Are you hurt?
| shake my head, forgetting she can't see me.
Ava. Are you hurt?
Not bad, mainly from the car crash. | have squestions, though. They said I'm going into heat. They want me
here until my heat is over.
Selene goes silent, but | can still feel her. It's good to have her back.
That will be problematic, she says, sounding grim. Has the alpha scented you?
You mean, sniffed me? Yes.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm| can hear a faint growl in my head. Has he gotten near the scar on your neck?
No, | respond obediently.
Good. Keep him away from it. When did you lose the necklace?
| look around. How did you know? Can you see me?
No. If you're going into heat, it means you lost the necklace.
Oh. That's news to me. Would have been nice to know...
Um, | don't know. | thought I might have lost it during the crash, but now I'm thinking | might have lost it earlier.
The guys who kidnappedkept saying | was going into heat.
Selene's sigh of frustration fills my head. Will you be safe there?
At the hospital?
| nod, then remember she can't see me. Yes. Alpha Clayton seems to be very kind, and has a good reputation as
a leader. | don't think he will do anything to me.
She sighs again. | need to look for the necklace. Don't lose the ring, too, or we will really be in trouble.
| touch the ring, needing the physical reassurance that it's still there. It is. Are you going to explain it all to me
now? What | am? Why I'm in heat? Why this necklace keepsfrom going into heat?
Selene goes silent for a while. Her voice is fading when she finally responds. We will talk, Ava.