Chapter 184 Sabrina's POV: It quickly dawned onthat I had forgotten my old life.
Before it all went to shit and I caught Zayn and iris together, I used to actually have a life. I was ambitious too. I had things that I wanted to do, places I wanted to be. People actually looked up toand wanted to be me.
I had completely forgotten all of that.
But now my life has derailed from its tracks.
I no longer had a purpose, or a goal. It was almost easier before, when I was a slave.
But now, I can't tell. I felt unnerved by the realization. I had previously never allowed myself to think much about my life's path, all I was concerned with was making the next day out alive, and not incurring the King's wrath.
And now, I have no idea what to do.
"It's okay," I found myself saying out loud. "Just don't think too much about it. Just let things flow." That wasn't my style. I didn't just let things flow. But lately whenever I plan things, they derail and I'm left with nothing.
After I was done checking out my new room, I decided to stop by the harem and see how things were going. It's had been a long tafter all.
I walked to the harem, a pep in my step. The mom I got to the building, I froze.
Normally, once I got closer there was always ssort of sound. Music, singing, something. Everywhere was deathly silent as I got closer.
I was about to believe that everyone was gone when I heard a loud shout from the garden. I ran to the garden, and the sight that met my eyes was nothing short of infuriating.
There was everyone, gathered outside in the gardens. And standing on a podium was Blair. Besides her with three hefty guards, no doubt her lackies.
"Well, what do you all say?" She asked, spreading her arms wide.
"You cannot do that!" One of the girls screamed. "We have the right to eat! You can't take it away just because we refused to kiss your stupid ass!" One of the guards stepped forward. Blair grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" She was saying. She waved her hands to a group of about fifteen girls who stood clustered together, their heads hanging in shame. "Your mates who knew what to do and submitted, did I torture them?" "Blair!" I shouted, unable to stomach this any longer. I stormed up to herd She turned to me, her eyes narrowed cruelly. "Oh, look who it-" I grabbed her hair and yanked her down hard from the podium. She screamed out, and the girls released a collective gasp.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtAnger thrummed through my veins. I hardly thought about anything else, except for making her pay. What the fuck does worshipping her have to do with eating.
"You bitch!" She screamed at me, clawing and punching at my hand. I tossed her on the ground and kicked her.
1/4 98% Chapter 184 She howled in pain. I san down to my knees and grabbed her hair, pressing her face into the dirt. She screamed and thrashed about, getting mouthfuls of dirt instead.
Strong arms grabbed both my hands and pulledoff Blair.
"Get the fuck off me!” I screamed at her guards, fighting them with all my might.
Blair jumped to her feet. She spat out dirt, brushing her mount and screaming in disgust. She turned to me, her face contorted in rage. "You vitch!" She screamed at me, her hand flying across my face.
My head whipped to the side with the force of her slap. But that was nothing compared to what I had faced. I turned to her and spat in her face. It landed I her eye and she howled.
"Fuck you." She slappedagain. I laughed at her.
"You lack strength, Blair. It's no wonder you have to use men to enforce your rule." I said with disdain.
"What is your problem?! Huh?!" She grabbed my hair and pulled it hard on purpose, pulling a few strands out of my scalp. I kicked her hand, my foot connecting with her stomach.
The guards kicked my legs out from underand forced my to my knees.
Blair groaned, sputtering as she collected herself. She glared hotly at me, her hair dishevelled and face stained with dirt and grass. "You, can't you just stay down?! Like a fucking cockroach flushed down the drain, you keep showing your ugly stupid head?" "I could say sabout you." "Just disappear already! This harem is mine! I alone control it! You think you can weasel your way into this?!" "Wow. You thinka threat, how cute." I said.
She tried to slap me, I turned my head and snapped my teeth shut. She screamed out and jumped, pulling her hand back before I could bite off a finger or two. She clutched her hand to her chest and stared atwith anger. "Close." I said with a click of my tongue.
"What are you waiting for?! Show her a lesson!" She screamed at her guards, shaking her finger at them.
The guards droppedon the ground and began kickingfrom all directions. Anger simmered slowly under my skin as I crouched in on myself, covering my head and my stomach. Their boots struck everywhere. My back, my arms, my legs, my chest.
Each thud was a pounding in my head.
Blairs mocking laughter filled the air.
"Show it to her!" She cheered them on.
The pain mingled with the anger and frustration I have felt towards this girl for months now. Who did she think she was? I bit my lip hard so I won't make a noise. I can't give her that satisfaction. Never.
My eyes burned with angry tears.
I want to strangle her. Wring her pretty neck until it's dark with blood. Snap it in half like a twig. Watch the life drain out of her eyes.
2/4 09:46 Fri, 21 Mar 0 Chapter 184 I wonder what pitiful face she'll make. Will she beg for help? Confess her sins? And these stupid guards. rip them to pieces. I'll make them scream for hell.
Loud screams that weren't from Blair filled the air.
98% +53) I blinked, the thoughts fo death and destruction dispelling. I realized that the blows had stopped. I lowered my hand from my face and looked up.
My jaw dropped when I saw Blair clutching her neck, gasping for air as her eyes bulged in her head. Swith the guards.
The harem girls gasped and screamed, their voices scared.
I want to strangle Blair.
She choked, her hand reaching out and grasping air.
I turn d to the guards. I want to strangle them harder.
Their bodies convulsed as the invisible hands on their necks tightened.
I blinked, fascination running through me.
That's me.
I shoved all thoughts of strangling them out of my mind. And instantly, they all fell to the ground, doubled over, inhaling large amounts of air and coughing.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Blair!" Her lackies ran over to her, screaming and talking over one another. "Are you okay?!" The guards faces were blue as they laid on the grass gasping for air.
A tinge of horror ran down my spine.
I just did that. I nearly strangled them to death with my mind...with my magic.
I got to my feet and took a step back.
This was weird..I can't believe I just did this. I tried to blank my blank my mind think of nothing at all for fear that En this would happen again. "Sabrina!" A loud scream cut through my panicked thoughts and the next thing I felt were arms thrown around my neck.
Startled and unprepared, I toppled over. The girls hugged me, piling on top oftill I couldn't breathe.
"G-guys," I gasped.
"You're back!" One of them said.
"Our queen Sabrina is back!" "We missed you so much!" "Thank you so much for saving us!" They got offand helpedget to my feet. I stared at their faces, unsure of how I was going to reply.
.46 Fri, 21 Mar Chapter 184 $☐☐☐ 98%1 +53)
They saw what happened right now didn't they? They sawstrangle guards Blair and her drewwithout touching them? Right? They should be wary of me.
I turned and looked at Blair who was sitting with her lackies, clutching her I neck and wheezing. Then I turned back to the girls. "You guys saw that," I jabbed my thumb in Blair's direction, "didn't you?" "How did you do it?!" "It was so cool! " "You're so cool," What in the what just happened? This wasn't in my plans at all.
I can't believe this.
"You're not scared?" I asked just to be sure.
"Of what?! We missed you so much!" I laughed, shocked beyond words. Woah. My life has just beca rollercoaster ride.
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